The Weaponless Outcasts

The Weaponless Outcasts

The Cult of The Weaponless, also known as The Weaponless Outcasts, are a small, extremist cult of Outcasts who adhere to a strict and unconventional philosophy centered around the act of killing Wassies.

The Cult of The Weaponless, also known as The Weaponless Outcasts, are a small, extremist cult of Outcasts who adhere to a strict and unconventional philosophy centered around the act of killing Wassies. Believing that the act of killing Wassies with bare flippers is the purest expression of an Outcast's essence, The Weaponless reject the use of weapons and instead focus on enhancing their own bodies as such through intense physical training and, in some cases, body modification.

They are a small but dedicated group, numbering only in the hundreds, defined by their extreme beliefs and philosophy, their dedication to the cause of killing Wassies, and their disdain for normal Outcast society and civilization. As they are not well-understood among the broader Outcast community they are often seen as crazy fanatics.


The history of The Weaponless is shrouded in mystery, with many different stories and legends circulating about their origins. Some say that they have always existed, a small group of Outcasts who rejected the trappings of civilized society in favor of a more primal existence. Others believe that they are a relatively new group, formed in response to the perceived decadence and corruption of modern Outcast society.

According to one legend they can be traced back to an Outcast known as The Smol Slayer, who is also believed by many to be their current leader. Burned by the radiation of the great accident and driven mad by the horrors of the Wassie plague, The Smol Slayer dedicated his life to seeking vengeance against the Wassie horde. He became the first of his kind, a degenerate Outcast with a burning hatred for Wassies and a mind scoured by the need to destroy them. A creature of death and destruction, striking fear into the hearts of every Wassie.

Beliefs and Philosophy

The Weaponless adhere to a strict and unconventional philosophy. They believe that the mind of an Outcast is bound to this world in an unnatural way due to their longer lifespan compared to Wassies, and that the only way to find release and true mental clarity is through the act of killing Wassies (in the proper manner). They view this as the purest act an Outcast can perform, the true expression of their essence. It is not uncommon for a Weaponless to become so focused on their mission to kill Wassies that they forget to eat or sleep, eventually collapsing from exhaustion.

To them, using weapons is a distraction and a sign of weakness. Only by performing the act without tools can they be the weapon, and only by being the weapon themselves can they be pure and fully in the moment.

The Weaponless value discipline, physical strength, and bravery, and they would very much like to be willing to die in battle. They aren't quite willing to die however, as they despise the idea of respawning as a Wassie with their memories wiped. This causes a complex conundrum for The Weaponless, as they must balance their desire for release with their desire to continue living. In the end, they channel their frustration about this conundrum into their hate for Wassies.

The Weaponless also place a strong emphasis on mental purity and the rejection of civilized Outcast society. They value practical results and simplicity and reject the complications of "civilized" Outcast society in order to strive to live a life that is true to the roots of what it means to be an Outcast. Some members of The Weaponless live as beggars, believing that literally any pursuit other than killing Wassies is impure. Other members go so far as to live in hidden communities, separate from the rest of Outcast society, in order to fully devote themselves to their cause, especially while they are training.

The Weaponless have a specific code of ethics in which - by definition - everything that furthers their cause of killing Wassies is ethical to them, if not to others. This can also include the use of dark body modifications, created by a small group of scientists - more aptly described as shamans - who are hidden away from the rest of the cult. These modifications enhance the body as a weapon, but they are controversial within the cult, with some viewing them as necessary, while others see them as impure and too similar to weapons in principle. The cult's scientists make use of mostly natural substances, sometimes using Wassies as a resource. For example, they may use Slime Wassies to create adhesive material to trap other Wassies. There have also been repeated attempts at weaponizing Wossums, all of which have failed due to their wild and dangerous nature and the seeming impossibility of taming them. The number of Weaponless Scientists has dwindled due to these ambitious experiments. Surprisingly most casualties are not caused by deadly violence inflicted by the Wossums but through cognitive disintegration after spending too much time in the presence of Wossums and being overwhelmed with the impossible terror of their existence.

Members of the cult believe that they are the truest expression of what it means to be an Outcast, and view other Outcasts as weak and overly reliant on civilization. They have little patience for those who do not share their philosophy, and often look down on other Outcasts as lesser beings. However, they are not known to openly confront or attack those who do not share their beliefs, unless they see it as necessary in order to further their cause.

Culture, Traditions and Practices

The Weaponless live mostly separate from other Outcasts and value mental purity, often meditating to cleanse their minds of anything but the act of killing Wassies. This is sometimes done in fridges or fridge-like caves.

The Weaponless tend to live mostly decentralized and gather for certain rituals or when they need to band together for a specific mission, such as when the Smol Slayer calls them by blowing on a horn made from a Wassie skull. The origins of this horn are mysterious, as it is not clear how the Wassie skull was preserved. Their decentralized organizational structure makes them censorship resistant.

It is said that The Weaponless have a secret handshake that only they know, which they use to identify each other in public. To others it looks like they are just flapping their flippers around aimlessly, but to the Weaponless it carries great meaning.

The Weaponless have a tradition of painting their flippers with war paint made from crushed Wassie remains before every battle as a way of showing their devotion to the cause. Some members take this very seriously and spend hours carefully creating intricate designs on their flippers, while others just slap on a quick coat of paint and hope for the best. There is also a tradition of leaving small, strategically placed piles of berries as offerings to the mighty Berry before every encounter, believing that this will bring them luck and success in battle.

In general The Weaponless are a highly superstitious bunch and cling to anything that might increase their performance in battle. Some Weaponless believe that washing their flippers in Wassie tears before battles gives them extra strength and courage. One Weaponless Outcast is known for always wearing a pair of sunglasses, even in the dark. He claims that it helps him "see better," but no one knows what he means by that. Another is known for carrying around a small, plush toy of a Wassie, which he claims helps him focus his hatred. And yet another is known for using a tiny, portable sound system, which he claims helps him "get in the zone" before battle. He always plays the same song on repeat, which sounds like a weird, screeching noise. The "song" is supposedly from an artists by the name of "Tim". These traditions may seem strange to outsiders, but to the Weaponless they are deeply meaningful and help to strengthen their sense of community and purpose.


The Weaponless are known for their intense physical training and focus on enhancing their own bodies as weapons. They believe in constant self-improvement and push themselves to their physical limits through intense training and conditioning.

Each day begins with a grueling warm-up routine consisting of flipper stretches, beak calisthenics, and a series of sprints around the training grounds. After the warm-up, the Weaponless engage in sparring sessions, practicing their fighting techniques on each other. Common sparring and training exercises include the following:

"The Flipper Flurry": This exercise involves rapidly flapping their flippers in all directions, building up strength and speed.

"The Wassie Wave": The Weaponless stand in a line and practice their flipper strikes by taking turns "attacking" a stuffed Wassie toy.

"The Berry Balance": This method involves The Weaponless trying to balance a berry on their flipper while performing various tasks, such as jumping over obstacles or crawling through tunnels. It is meant to improve their focus and concentration.

"Wassie Pinata": The Weaponless will take turns trying to break open a Wassie-shaped pinata filled with various treats and trinkets. Sometimes real Wassies are used. This helps them practice their accuracy and precision in striking a Wassie-shaped target.

"Flipper Fencing": The Weaponless will engage in fencing matches using only their flippers as weapons. This helps them practice their footwork, reflexes, and flipper control.

"Wassie Lure Making": The Weaponless will create their own Wassie lures using various materials and techniques in order to attract and catch Wassies.

"Wassie Tracking": The Weaponless will practice tracking and following the trails of Wassies in various environments in order to better hunt them.

The Weaponless have a secret society within their ranks known as the "Belly Flop Squad," who train to perform the most epic belly flops onto Wassies possible.

One Weaponless Outcast became famous for inventing a new type of flipper-based yoga called "flippyoga," which involves contorting one's body into various shapes while balancing on their flippers.

Relation with Other Outcasts and Outcast Society

The Weaponless are a deeply controversial group, with many other Outcasts both fearing and respecting them for their extreme beliefs and practices.

Other Outcasts tend to view The Weaponless as crazy fanatics, making fun of them when they are not around but not daring to do so in their presence. The Weaponless, in turn, look down upon other Outcasts as being weak and lacking in discipline. They do not integrate into normal Outcast society and prefer to live separate from them.

There have been numerous reports of Weaponless accidentally falling asleep during meditation, almost always having vivid dreams about eating a McWassie burger. This has led to several scandals in their ranks, after some acted on their desires. Others merely feel guilt, causing them to spend the rest of the day in self-imposed isolation.

The dedication and effectiveness of the Weaponless in their mission is undeniable. There have been instances of other Outcasts seeking out the Weaponless for help in their own battles against Wassies, though the Weaponless are selective in their alliances and will only lend their aid if they believe it furthers their own cause.

Some Outcasts paint an even more sinister picture of The Weaponless, depicting them as a group of fanatical zealots who are willing to stop at nothing to achieve their goals, even going so far as to claim that they have a network of spies and infiltrators (referred to as "feds") who work to undermine the other Outcast factions from within. To date, this has never been proven.


The Weaponless are thought to be led by an Outcast known as The Smol Slayer. The Smol Slayer is revered by the Weaponless, who believe them to be a divine being chosen by the mighty Berry to lead them. The Smol Slayer is responsible for organizing the Weaponless and leading them into battle against Wassies. They are also responsible for enforcing the strict code of ethics followed by the Weaponless and for passing down the group's traditions and practices. It is said that The Smol Slayer has never been defeated in combat and has slain countless Wassies in their quest for purity. Some say that The Smol Slayer is an avatar of the mighty Berry itself, imbued with divine power. Others believe that they are simply an exceptionally skilled Outcast who has mastered the art of killing Wassies.

The Weaponless Outcast cult is currently experiencing a rise in popularity among more temperamental Outcasts, who are drawn to their extreme and uncompromising philosophy. This trend is causing concern among the more restrained Outcasts, who worry that the cult's emphasis on purity and simplicity will lead to a decline in technological advancement and progress within Outcast society.

There have also been reports of increasing tensions between the Weaponless and other Outcast factions, as the Weaponless view many of the other Outcasts as overly complacent and insufficiently dedicated to their cause. Some members of the Weaponless have even been accused of inciting violence against other Outcasts who do not share their beliefs.

Internally there has been an ongoing heated argument amongst The Weaponless over the correct way to kill a Wassie, with some arguing for a swift strike to the neck while others advocate for a more "artistic" approach using intricate flipper movements. There have also been strong calls for an end to Wossum experiments by the Weaponless Scientists. This is not based on ethical but purely practical concerns of wasted resources. Somewhat perplexingly the Weaponless Scientists have refused to give in to this demand, claiming that they "will need just one more experiment to make it all back". It is not known what they mean by this.

There is a growing trend of mental health issues related to obsessive behaviours. Weaponless are becoming obsessed with finding the "perfect" Wassie to kill, spending hours stalking and analyzing potential targets before ultimately deciding that none of them are worthy. This can result in mild depression and a loss of purpose and direction. Others become so obsessed with killing Wassies that they start seeing them everywhere, even in their sleep. They begin sleepwalking and attacking anything that looks even slightly like a Wassie, causing chaos in their community.

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