"2492 is a wassie." - God. Sporting his katana and ⚡ sigil wif aplomb, our protagonist is found on the Ethereum Chain of Blocks and often repeating the only words he understood, like everyone who isn't a complete and utter pompous fool. **Boring. Redundant, wouldn't sub fer that pal. Try again.** Skulking through the thicket, seven high and 2 wide but only on the near side, the grey block had remained grey and blockish for at least the past 2 trips around the closest heat source, the likes that whispered a cruel tale into the ears of mere simians of an abstract finality of sorts to come perhaps in the not so fly asf "future" but probably not like y'know so don't try get too bent out of shape about it there kiddo. **Better, the reflective pool enjoyoor tells us the Ai could never produce such whimsical sleight of brain. Reel in the tism 13.336% and maybe make it into a film blurb, people love movies!"** Starring Ted Dansen as 2492, Wassie 2492 is a feel good psychological horror about a sub-genius AI washing machine repairman whom finds himself alone within several plains of existence simultaneously, in each becoming more incoherent and belligerent in his efforts at communication wif the surrounding lifeforms he resembles but does not remotely identify wif. Note: Ted Dansen is awful in this, he basically plays his character from Bored to Death in what appears to be a Reefer Madness style flashback moment and forgets his lines due to being rendered ancient by time. To read more please contact someone involved in such administrative duties and have them send the appropriate papers to their respective and equally appropriate places. Dedicated to funny bones and quite possibly other things.